Thursday, December 13, 2007

Notes on Java Fundamentals

Basic Lexical elements----
--->keywords & other reserved words

1. Access modifiers - private,public,protected
2.other modifiers---abstract,final,static,synchronized,transient, volatile
3 Name space keywords -- import,package

byte,short,int,long-- signed two's complement integers
boolean -- 1 bit
char-- 16 bit unicode characters rather than ASCII set used in C

Formula ------2^(n-1) to 2^(n-1)-1`


Exceptional Floating point constants---

(NAN Stands for Not A Number)


char represented in single quotes -
'\u0000'--- followed by four hexadecimal


Integral can be decimal, hexadecimal or octal
Hexadecimal starts with 0x
Octals start with 0

Floating point e or E stands for exponential value
eg 7e3 =7000


note--> double x=77; is valid declaration as doublex =77D;


To convert boolean, characters,integers,floating point numbers to String use valueOf() method
String is not null terminated.


Once initialized string objects are inmutable i.e cannot change their contents. so use stringBuffer if the contents have to be changed.


String bounds checked at run time rather than compile time.

string abc ="sdefg";
is not same as
string abc =new("string");

if we use first one compiler scans current cache to check for another string object with same literal value.
If it is there it reuses same object.


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